SEO Tip: when deleting elements of your site set up redirects to avoid the dreaded 404 Page not found
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Why Redirects Are Essential for SEO and User Experience

When managing your website, it’s common to remove outdated pages, posts, or images to keep everything fresh and relevant. However, deleting website elements without setting up proper redirects can negatively impact your SEO and user experience. Here’s why it’s essential to set up redirects and how to do it easily using a plugin like Redirection….

Revamping Your Website: How to Prepare for a Successful Redesign
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Revamping Your Website: How to Prepare for a Successful Redesign

The fourth quarter is the perfect time to reflect on your business progress and set your goals for the upcoming year. With 2025 around the corner, now is an excellent opportunity to assess your website and decide if it’s due for a refresh. If your site is more than six years old, it’s probably showing…

3 questions about small business website
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Don’t let your small business fall behind in the digital age!

Are you wondering: If so, it might be time to invest in a website or give your current one a facelift. Many small businesses struggle with their online presence, often missing out on the benefits of a professional website. Did you know that most business purchases start with an online search? A professional website can:…