6 ways to use Chef's Special
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6 Ideas for how to use my Chef’s Special service

If you feel like your website could use a little zest but aren’t sure where to start, I’ve whipped up a recipe for success – my Chef’s Special! Here are some quick and easy ideas I can cook up in a day to give your site some fresh new features or a whole new look.

Website Revamp:
Is your website looking a little tired or hasn’t quite kept up with your business growth? Or you’ve re-branded your business and need to update the website to match.

Theme Change:
Is your website ready for a new look? Think of it like switching up the flavours in your favourite recipe to create something new and exciting.

Landing Page:
One of the key benefits to adding a landing page is to boost goals. Whether it’s increasing sales, gathering sign-ups, sharing exciting news, a landing page is your secret to success.

SEO Audit:
Just like crafting a perfect dish, creating a mouth-watering SEO strategy requires the right ingredients, a bit of prep work, and a dash of creativity. An SEO Audit is like a kitchen inspection. I’ll go through your site with a fine-tooth comb, ensuring that all the essential elements are in place and ready to cook up some delicious results.

Update SEO After Audit:
After your SEO audit the next step is to follow the recipe—making improvements and adjustments where needed. Finally, we’ll serve it up—ensuring your website is ready to attract and delight visitors.

Or create your own Chef’s Special!
List all the items you’d like to change on your site – like a shopping list. I’ll deliver.

Specials may be combined for multi-day/events. For example, a major website overhaul may contain the Website Revamp and the Theme Change. The SEO Audit and the SEO Update make a delectable SEO Gourmet Special. Book a call with me to discuss the best option for you.

See full details about my Chef’s Special.

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